Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wander With Me

Welcome to Blind Wanderings. My name is Dave Macias and I am blind. Don't worry, I do not mean that in the literal sense, my eyesight is perfectly fine. Instead, I mean blind in the metaphorical sense. I am sightlessly walking about this life just trying to make it all click. During my journeys I have run into my fair share of walls; whether in the form of people, problems, or actual walls! But, I have found that no matter the obstacle that is placed in front of me, I seem to deal with it and move on to hit the next.

This constant struggle has left me asking questions that, at times, I feel have no answers. Questions like "Why? (my personal favorite), and "When?", or "What?", and"How?" The kind of question that men have gone mad trying to answer. Now, I do not know about you, but going mad does not seem like wall that I am willing to climb. Thus, we find ourselves here.

The purpose of Blind Wanderings is to join people together and try to answer the seemingly overbearing questions in this wonderful thing called life. Do not get me wrong, I am no expert on the subject. In fact, if I tried to lead someone through life it would, quite literally, be "the blind leading the blind." But I do feel that by putting my ideas out there, someone might be able to make there life just a hair better, which I guess is all I could ever hope. So I invite you, please, come wander with me . . . .

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